Thursday, June 14, 2012

RSFarms Open Sunday- come and visit us

We are pleased to be attending Russell Smith Farms at Duxford with a demonstration on Open Farm Sunday, 17th June 2012. More information on this excellent afternoon just click HERE

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Preparing for Summer

April 2012

Over the last few months a number of our instructors have received Training Audit Visits from Lantra-Awards Technical Standards Verifiers - I am pleased to say that they all (including me!) passed and met or exceeded the standard required. To us it is extremely important that our training standards are benchmarked. 

After a busy Winter we are now setting up a series of pre harvest courses for seasonal and reguular members of staff. June and July can become extremely busy so please contact us as soon as possible so we can ensure your training requirements are met.

Usual topics  covered:
Food Hygiene
Emergency Aid
plus others

Friday, November 25, 2011

Negotiating a success

Today  I spent another  day attending  a course  rather  than instructing!

With much thanks to Camgrain at  Balsham for providing excellent  facilities and with the  services of  Bob White from At Last training we settled  down to the first  of two  management  courses - Negotiating Skills, next  Friday  being Time/Meeting management with a  nod to  new  technology.

Bob provided an entertaining and informative  day with a  diverse  group of trainees all taking away  much food for thought.

Next week (2nd Dec) is a different  slant on "getting things done" which already  has generated  much interest.  If you want to  join us  please email for  more information.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A week of Forklifts and Telehandlers

A week of contrasts.  Away from the training provider side of the business and this week was spent out in the  field instructing in the  operation of Counterbalance  Forklifts and Telescopic handlers.

Starting the week with a two  day counterbalance forklift course  for  students on farm placements. Really encouraging to see  enthusiasm and capability in the  new  generation of farmers.

Next: A Telescopic handler course for  all the staff on a traditional family  farm.   Again enjoyable to chat  and work with  some  of the  more  mature members of the  farming community while  putting the world to rights!

Finally,  and something very different on Thursday.  Time to have  my own Lantra Awards Operators certificate for  Telescopic Handlers renewed!  So attending a course  as a trainee with a couple of managers from research farms in Cambridge, Craig Ireland did an excellent  job of running the course and plying us with Chocolate  digestives.  Thank you also to NIAB for  hosting the day.

So a  great week with some  fascinating people and a wide variety of equipment to operate. The paperwork is already  filed with  Lantra Awards who are doing an excellent  job of turning round registrations and certificates at present.

Friday then is all about  planning next week and closing down this  weeks courses on the system. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Health and Safety Courses Autumn Winter 20011-12

As  part of our  continuing campaign for  Landbased Industry Health and Safety Awareness we are  pleased to announce our  dates  for  Health and Safety Awareness Courses across  East Anglia.  Benefiting from Landskills  East funding these  courses will  also provide a  Lantra Awards  certificate of  attendance.

Last year we  presented a  number of courses  specifically  for particular  areas of the  industry.  We also picked up  nationwide  news  coverage  being featured on BBC Breakfast  News (along with  some  lambs!)

Our  courses  in Health and Safety awareness benefit  from over  30  years  in the  Agricultural industry and use  recent examples and experience to show  how your  business  can be  safe and remain productive.

18 November - South Cambs
07  December - Hertfordshire
11 January - East  Suffolk
01  Feburary - South Cambs
07 February - East Suffolk
08 February - Hertfordshire

Other Courses  Click HERE

Friday, September 30, 2011

October 2011 Update

Dates available now for
PA4 (S) PA 6 and PA2 Courses click HERE
Emergency Aid Click HERE
Welding Abrasive Wheels HERE
Management Courses HERE
More Autumn dates being added. Just email us (HERE)for more information.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Harvest 2010

Yes that is  right Harvest  2010.  As we all bask in an Indian summer  I was  reminded of this  video I made at the  latter end of a difficult harvest in 2010  here in Suffolk.  With thanks to Farmer and  Combine  operator  Peter Holloway: