Thursday, March 5, 2009


It seems odd to write about expansion at this time but that is what has happened. Our business has always been split into the practical hands on bit of instructing for our own group and other providers. We then have the important bit for our customers of organising and setting up training courses and programmes.

The trouble is this all takes time - so we have invested in office systems and staff. What does this mean for you? Well the paperwork generated from every course (what ever happened to the paperless office?) is now sorted as soon as we start on a course, certificates are processed in the same manner. Just a quick warning - we will be doing the same with invoices as well!

This miracle of organisation is Sue - you may well speak to her on the phone if you dial the office.

At the same time we are looking at ways to use our website, e-mail and the post office more effectively to help with communications about courses and related "stuff". You may already have received our e- newsletter, although some versions mysteriously translated into Latin on their way through the internet.

We have some important news about funding to announce during March - use the subscribe link at the bottom of this page to be notified as soon as we are in a position to release details.