Friday, November 25, 2011

Negotiating a success

Today  I spent another  day attending  a course  rather  than instructing!

With much thanks to Camgrain at  Balsham for providing excellent  facilities and with the  services of  Bob White from At Last training we settled  down to the first  of two  management  courses - Negotiating Skills, next  Friday  being Time/Meeting management with a  nod to  new  technology.

Bob provided an entertaining and informative  day with a  diverse  group of trainees all taking away  much food for thought.

Next week (2nd Dec) is a different  slant on "getting things done" which already  has generated  much interest.  If you want to  join us  please email for  more information.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A week of Forklifts and Telehandlers

A week of contrasts.  Away from the training provider side of the business and this week was spent out in the  field instructing in the  operation of Counterbalance  Forklifts and Telescopic handlers.

Starting the week with a two  day counterbalance forklift course  for  students on farm placements. Really encouraging to see  enthusiasm and capability in the  new  generation of farmers.

Next: A Telescopic handler course for  all the staff on a traditional family  farm.   Again enjoyable to chat  and work with  some  of the  more  mature members of the  farming community while  putting the world to rights!

Finally,  and something very different on Thursday.  Time to have  my own Lantra Awards Operators certificate for  Telescopic Handlers renewed!  So attending a course  as a trainee with a couple of managers from research farms in Cambridge, Craig Ireland did an excellent  job of running the course and plying us with Chocolate  digestives.  Thank you also to NIAB for  hosting the day.

So a  great week with some  fascinating people and a wide variety of equipment to operate. The paperwork is already  filed with  Lantra Awards who are doing an excellent  job of turning round registrations and certificates at present.

Friday then is all about  planning next week and closing down this  weeks courses on the system.