Sunday, June 15, 2008

June Update

What have we been doing since April? Well actually you are probably more interested in what is coming up. More on that later. Courses run over the last month have included Emergency Aid in various forms. ATV training, Brushcutters/Strimmers, Pesticides in various guises. Quite busy on the Forklift/Telescopic handler front especially with the pre-summer season renewals. This brings me on to an important point. The changes in design of some of the newer machines make the existing training programme appear at odds with the way some machines are designed to operate. As a result we are in discussion with Lantra Awards the accrediting body for the courses we run to see if we can reflect these changes, especially in the renewal/refresher courses which are designed for advanced users to some extent. In the mean time we will acknowledge these changes within our existing courses.

Lsst week I also attended a Focus Group at Lantra Awards to hear about developments within their business. As soon as these developments are confirmed we will link into the news as the plans will be quite useful for both you and us.

Cereals 2008 ran last week and seemed quite busy: Farmers Weekly have a useful news feed here for anyone who couldn't make it.

Over the next few weeks we are running our usual pre-Summer Telescopic/Combine/Tractor courses as well as PA1, PA6 courses. We are in the process of arranging a PA11 seed treatment course which still has a few places left on it.

We hope to be able to present a package to allow our customers to take the newLevel 3 Certificate in Controlling Risks to Health and Safety in Agriculture/ Horticulture as a part on-line, part tutored course. This should be available in the autumn.

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