Friday, September 23, 2011

Anglia Rural Training gains Landskills East Award

You may  be interested to know that  ART  (our  umbrella  organisation) received the  award for  “Most Progressive Delivery Partner” at  a Funding awards ceremony held at "Jimmys Farm"  by Landskills East last  night.  This  in part reflected  the support of  all of our customers   who  have supported the  Landskills East  funding initiative for  skills  development in the  East of England by attending  courses  provided by  CAT Ltd.  

Jo  Bruce who  has  managed the project on behalf of ART said:
This project has   been all about  teamwork right from the beginning - Landskills East, Norfolk County Council  and their delivery partners - Us - The  East Anglian Training providers who make up Anglia Rural Training and then our  customers who have supported the  project and made it the  success it is.

At CATraining  Ltd. we are also quite pleased in our own right as we  designed and developed the database used to enable  ART to  manage the project.   The  database  has  so far managed over  2000 courses from the 10 members of Anglia Rural Training  from initial grant application through to the management of the  repayments  from Landskills  East all at varying skill levels, grant rates (and VAT  changes).

In the next  few  weeks we will  be  launching our  CATraining Ltd.  Autumn  programme, much benefiting from Landskills  East funding.

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